Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prancing through mainstreet

Bragging is not an attractive trait, but let's be honest. A man who catches a big fish doesn't go home through an alley (according to the genius Ann Landers). Speaking of which, I like to read Dear Abby, Dear Prudence, and Dear Margo in my free-time. I think at the least I might learn some etiquette. Now onto bragging. I finished my first puzzle this week (I started it a few days after coming here, so it's been about 3 weeks of work). O.k., probably not my first, because I've surely completed numerous kiddie puzzles of 50 or less pieces, and I may have chipped in on larger puzzles that were a group-effort. But I have never done a puzzle all on my own- until now. (Note to all: I am very boring, and when I am winding down after a day with the kids I have turned to puzzling). So, as proof I am posting a picture of it. 1000 pieces. Seriously, I'm pretty stoked- despite this probably not being a very hip accomplishment- don't judge, yo.
Santorini, Greece.



  1. So where can I find the picture?

  2. sorry I didn't realize I forgot to load them, and I didn't double-check the blog. I'll get them up now. :)
